Information and Communication Technological Advancement: The other side
By Evans Dakwa
Communication Technology (ICT) simply defined stresses the role of unified
communications and the integration of telecommunications (telephone and
wireless signals), computers as well as necessary enterprise software which
enable users to access, store, transmit and manipulate information.
developments in the ICT sector have seen the emergence of social networks in an
accelerated rate since the turn of the millennium. Social networks have taken
the world by storm literally sparking a revolution in the communication
spectrum. Facebook and Twitter made communication across board very easy and
more efficient, where we might have had to send a registered mail; we now had
quicker message delivery via these two platforms.
If Facebook
and Twitter has been the in thing in
changing and facilitating better human communication then take a bow for
instant messaging application WhatsApp which has gone further in simplifying the
art of communication among people thousands of miles apart.
WhatsApp already introducing voice calls; communication has never been this
easy. On the flip side however, there are always two sides to the coin and in
as much as we are over the moon over the introductions of these communication
simplifiers, there is a down side to the advent of all these social networks.
Radical and
militant groups like the ISIS of this world have used social networks to lure
young people to join their militant terrorist activities using the power of the
social media which has facilitated the easy passage of terrorist propaganda in
the process intoxicating young unsuspecting minds.
have had to work overtime to deal with people who have become addicted to social
networks. Despite the pros associated with them, they have the potential to
scuttle productivity in every sphere of life especially when they become
addictive. They can be a hindrance to education for the young ones still trying
to make it out in the world, work and productivity for the working class and
need not that they have been a source of many marital problems with some
leading to divorce.
The social
networks have no limits at all in as far the nature of the language is
concerned. Sexually explicit and hate vitriol is all over the networks and
there is no prizes for guessing the negative effects it is having on the young
minds, cultivating the wrong culture. Their juvenile minds which are not yet
able to surf the good and bad will grow assimilating the vitriol we are exposed
to on most social networks as the norm. I could go on and on expagorating on
the negative effects that these social networks can have and are having on the
human populace but for now I rest my case.