Africa the Bread Basket of the World: A Journey to Seeking a Common Value System
By Evans Dakwa Africa is a rich but poor continent has become a cliché synonymous with describing how the continent is so much endowed with the much sought after natural resources yet it remains on the doldrums of economic development leaving most of its 1.4 billion people living in poverty. That Africa has huge potential to be the go to continent for the needs of the rest of the world is a no brainer but then it is not. A gaze from Cape to Cairo does not give a reflection of the massive potential the continent has and the question that begs an answer is why? Why has the cradle of human kind remained a continent of huge potential, abundant natural resources but with nothing to show for it? As much as it hurts to say, Africa is getting a raw deal in the exploitation of its resources and the situation needs to change if we are to realise our full potential. There is an urgent need to put a stop to the unravelling version of another scramble for Africa where the big supe...